10 of the Best RV Plants to Grow in an RV (+Plants to Avoid)

If you’re looking to learn more about the best RV plants (and the worst), then you’ve come to the right place!

In this guide, you’re going to learn about plants that thrive in RV life, like Pothos and Snake Plants, as well as plants to avoid, like succulents and Bonsai Trees.

I’ve also included care instructions for each plant so you won’t have to guess what they need to thrive.

After living in an RV for over four years, I’ve tried a wide variety of RV plants and have learned what works and what doesn’t, so I’m excited to share my plant experiences with you!

So, without further adieu, let’s jump right in!

Plants that thrive in an RV

Alright, let’s start off with the very best plants for a full-time RVer to grow!

Not only are these plants easy to grow in an RV, but they’re also great for RV decorating.

1. Pothos

Of course, I have to start this list off with my very favorite RV plant. The pothos!

The Pothos plant, scientifically known as Epipremnum aureum, is ideal for beginners and those with a less-than-green thumb.

It’s also known by various common names, such as Devil’s Ivy, Golden Pothos, and Silver Vine, among others.

This plant is my favorite because it is easy to keep alive and looks beautiful in almost any space!

Verdant pothos plant in a decorative pot on a two-tiered shelf in an RV, accompanied by essential oils and a diffuser.

I have owned quite a few pothos plants over the past several years, and the only thing I have personally found to kill them is really cold temperatures.

While our RV was unattended for two nights, the propane ran out and the temps inside the RV dropped. When we got back, nothing was harmed except for my plants.

But as long as you can keep them in regular temperatures, you should be fine!

While it is better to underwater rather than overwater a Pothos, they are very dramatic and can look extremely wilted when they want a drink.

As soon as you water them though, they perk right back up and look happier than ever!

Pothos don’t require much sunlight, so you can put them anywhere in your RV, which is really nice.

Another great benefit of having a Pothos plant is that they are great for air purification!

A creative RV wall-mounted plant display with cascading green foliage, integrating living plants into the interior design for an eco-friendly and vibrant touch.
Photo credit: @humbills.homeontherange
Lush pothos plant with tall, variegated leaves in a textured pot, stationed by an RV window, providing a contrast of greenery against the neutral tones.

2. Spider Plant

Moving on, another one of my favorite plants is the spider plant, even though it has a very unfortunate name, haha!

The Spider plant, scientifically known as Chlorophytum comosum, is another very popular indoor plant option that’s easy to care for.

Other common names include Airplane Plant, Spider Ivy, and Ribbon Plant, just to name a few.

This is a great plant for both beginners and avid plant lovers alike!

My personal favorite thing about the Spider plant is how easily it propagates.

Healthy and happy Spider plants put off baby plants called “pups” or “spiderettes” that hang from the mother plant on long stems, resembling spiders on a web, hence the name.

Vibrant spider plant in a small coral pot on an RV's wooden countertop, adding a pop of color and life to the space.
Photo credit: Those Who Glamp Together

Sometimes, a mother plant can have dozens of pups on it at a single time! When the pups are grown enough, they will develop roots.

When they are ready, you simply cut the pup off of the mother plant with scissors and plant it in its own pot. It’s so easy!

I currently have multiple mother Spider plants that need to have their pups removed, and I plan to give them away to friends and family since there are so many, haha!

Just like the Pothos, Spider plants are known for improving air quality, so these are great plants to have in your travel trailer.

Lively spider plant with variegated leaves hangs from the ceiling of the RV, bringing dynamic greenery into the compact bathroom space.
Photo credit: Those Who Glamp Together

3. Aloe Vera

If you have owned houseplants in the past, then chances are, you might be familiar with the Aloe plant.

Aloe Aera, scientifically known as Aloe barbadensis miller, is a succulent plant species from the genus Aloe.

Not only is it a beautiful plant, but it also has medicinal properties, particularly the gel inside its leaves, which is used for healing and soothing burns, cuts, and other skin problems.

Aloe Aera is also popular because it’s a generally low-maintenance plant.

A person holding a potted aloe vera plant with thick, spiky leaves, an easy-care botanical addition that brings a sense of calm and greenery to the RV interior.

Most people don’t have any issues with Aloe, however, I seem to be one of the unlucky few that do, haha!

Most of my first Aloe Vera plants would die, but *fingers crossed* I think I finally have figured them out, and I currently have two that are very happy and healthy!

When these plants are thriving, they really are beautiful! I love how vibrant the green leaves get.

There are multiple varieties of Aloe plants, but my favorite one is the Aloe Vera.

An aloe vera plant in a chevron-patterned pot sits prominently on a grey couch, adding a refreshing green touch to the modern RV living space.
Photo credit: Those Who Glamp Together

4. Hoya

The Hoya plant, scientifically known as Hoya carnosa, and often referred to as the wax plant due to its waxy leaves and flowers, is a diverse genus of tropical plants.

It is popular for RVers to own this plant because of how beautiful it is and how relatively easy it is to care for.

There are over 200 species of Hoya plants, which can vary significantly in leaf shape, size, and flower color, but they all share the same common care needs.

A close-up of a hanging potted plant in an RV, suspended in a cream-colored macramé holder against a neutral curtain, offering a simple yet beautiful touch of nature.
Photo credit: @thebetzadventures

I just recently got my first Hoya plant, but my RV friends Victoria and Mandy have both had great luck with growing Hoyas in their RVs over time.

As you know, if you live in an RV, there is limited space, so you kind of have to pick and choose which light-hungry plants you want to have, haha!

So I waited for a bit, but this plant was on my list because I love how beautiful they are, especially when they bloom!

Hoya plants are known for their waxy, thick green leaves and stunning, star-shaped flowers that often appear in beautiful clusters.

The beautiful flowers can be fragrant, especially at night, and come in a variety of colors, including pink, white, yellow, and red.

I hope that my Hoya plant is happy enough to bloom in the future!

A hanging potted plant cascading over a macramé hanger beside a sunlit RV window, with a cozy seating area and open laptop, creating a perfect nook for work or relaxation among nature.
Photo credit: Wild RV Life

5. Snake Plants

Another one of my favorite RV plants, once again with an unfortunate name, is snake plants!

Snake plants, scientifically known as Sansevieria, are one of the most resilient and low-maintenance indoor plants, making them a popular choice for RVers.

Some of the other common names for this plant are Mother-in-law’s Tongue, Saint George’s Sword, and Good Luck Plant.

While I love pothos because they trail out and get long vines, I equally love snake plants for the opposite reason.

Snake plants grow straight up and can grow very tall, even reaching heights of over 12 feet tall!

Of course, that takes many years, so you’re safe having them in a small RV for awhile still, haha!

An RV kitchen and living space bathed in natural light, showcasing a sleek design enhanced by strategically placed potted plants that add life and color to the setting.
Photo credit: @destn8tion

Snake plant leaves can vary in color from dark green to light green and often have yellow or white edges.

The leaves have a thick, waxy coating that helps retain moisture.

They are also among the top plants for filtering out toxins from the air, as noted in a study by NASA!

They are particularly good at converting CO2 into oxygen at night, making them an excellent plant to put in RV bedrooms.

Snake plants can be easily propagated through leaf cuttings or by dividing the plant during repotting.

To propagate from cuttings, cut a leaf into segments and plant the segments in soil, making sure to keep the original orientation of the leaf segment upward.

It can take a few weeks to months for the cuttings to root and establish, and I personally haven’t had great luck so far with propagating mine.

6. Air Plants

Air plants, scientifically known as Tillandsia, belong to the bromeliad family and are fascinating plants that don’t need any soil to grow!

They have gained immense popularity recently due to their unique appearance and minimal care requirements.

Air plants absorb moisture and nutrients through their leaves from the air, using their roots only for anchoring themselves to hosts such as rocks, trees, or even within terrariums.

These plants have always intrigued me, so recently, I got a few of them for our RV bathroom!

I’m happy to report that so far, so good, and they are doing well.

A hand holding a delicate air plant with slender green leaves, poised against a modern RV bathroom backdrop, accentuating a minimalistic lifestyle.

These plants are so intriguing to me since they don’t need soil and can basically thrive anywhere.

I put mine in a cute decorative planter that I hung on the wall, and I take them out of the planter to soak them in water 1-2 times a week.

Air plants are versatile and can be displayed in lots of creative ways, such as mounted on driftwood, placed in terrariums, or simply set on top of a decorative dish.

I can’t wait to collect even more of these fun plants over time!

Two air plants cradled in a person's hand, showcasing the thin, vibrant green foliage of these soil-free plants, a testament to adaptable RV living.

7. ZZ Plants

The ZZ Plant, or Zamioculcas zamiifolia, has become a staple in homes all around the world for its beautiful appearance and hardy resilience.

The ZZ Plant is native to Eastern Africa and is well-suited for indoor environments, thanks to its ability to thrive under low light conditions and its minimal water requirements.

I got my first ZZ plant a little over a year ago, and I have to say, it’s become one of my very favorite plants!

Not only is it absolutely adorable, but it’s been such an easy plant to care for, and so far, it hasn’t given me any trouble.

A chic and cozy RV living room setup featuring a cascading potted plant, which drapes elegantly from a curtain rod, infusing the space with greenery and a sense of tranquility.
Photo credit: @destn8tion

ZZ plants have shiny, waxy leaves that are dark green in color, which grow on stems that can get quite tall in the right conditions.

There are also variations that are a darker, almost black color, and those are my personal favorites.

The most common variety is green, though, and those leaves reflect sunlight, adding a bright, lively touch to your RV.

ZZ plants are slow growers, but given time, they can reach a substantial size, up to 2-3 feet indoors.

Fun fact: The ZZ plant grows from rhizomes, which are underground plant stems that store water, helping the plant survive drought conditions!

Multiple stems of a ZZ plant with thick, dark green leaves, rising vertically, with a decorative metal lantern in the background.

8. Philodendron

Another great plant for RV travel life is the Philodendron!

The Philodendron genus includes a large group of plants, known for their lush foliage and adaptability, making them great for RVers.

These tropical plants, native to the rainforests of South America, come in two main types: climbing (vining) and non-climbing (upright, self-heading) varieties.

Philodendrons are not only beautiful but once again, they’re also great at purifying the air in your RV.

A peaceful RV living space with plush throw blankets and pillows, adorned with hanging potted plants that bring a burst of greenery and freshness into the comfortable lounge area.
Photo credit: @destn8tion

I personally love the vining Philodendrons and love to hang them in corners.

Philodendrons come in different sizes, leaf shapes, and colors, ranging from deep green to vibrant reds and even variegated patterns.

The climbing varieties often have heart-shaped leaves, and the non-climbing types can have large, split, or deeply lobed leaves.

Philodendrons can also be easily propagated through stem cuttings!

For the vining types, cut a piece of stem with at least 2-3 leaves and a few nodes and place it in water or directly into the soil.

For the non-climbing types, it’s best to divide them when you repot them.

A trailing philodendron plant cascades over the edge of a shelf, introducing lush foliage into the bright and inviting RV living area.
Photo credit: Wild RV Life

9. English Ivy Plants

Another plant that is perfect for RV owners to grow in their RV is English Ivy.

English Ivy, scientifically known as Hedera helix, is an evergreen vine that makes a great indoor houseplant.

This plant is native to Europe and western Asia but has been widely introduced elsewhere, including North America, where it is often used for decorating.

English Ivy has dark green leaves that are lobed and can be various sizes.

This plant grows very fast, and it can be trained to grow on trellises or also hang from baskets.

Lush English ivy with variegated green and cream leaves cascading over the edge of a cream-colored pot, with a hint of a red bloom in the background.

Propagation is fairly easy with English Ivy, which is another reason this plant is a great option.

You can start new plants by taking stem cuttings, placing them in water until roots develop, and then potting them.

Close-up of English ivy with variegated leaves featuring a mix of green and pale yellow, growing densely and extending out of frame.

10. Ponytail Palm Tree

The Ponytail Palm Tree, scientifically known as Beaucarnea recurvata, is not a true palm, but rather, it is related to agaves and yuccas.

This plant has become popular recently because of its unique appearance and how easy it is to care for.

One super cool thing about the Ponytail Palm is its water-storing capabilities in its bulbous base!

I rescued my first Ponytail Palm Tree years ago, laying on the ground at a Walmart garden center and bought it to try and save.

That was seven years ago, and it’s still alive and well, and I’ve since gotten a second one!

A Ponytail palm with a characteristic bulbous base and tuft of long, narrow leaves that resemble a ponytail, in a white ribbed pot against a white background.

The Ponytail Palm plant grows slowly, and when grown indoors, it typically remains small, making it an excellent houseplant for RVers.

This plant is extremely tolerant of dry conditions and is an excellent choice for those who might occasionally forget to water their plants.

(Yes, I am occasionally that person, too. Haha!)

A Ponytail palm tree with a stout, textured trunk and long, curly leaves, next to a white sign with the phrase "love you more" and a red heart, on a two-tiered metal shelf.

Plants that are NOT good for RVers

Now that we’ve gone over the best plants to grow in an RV let’s cover a few that you should probably avoid.

An RV lifestyle involves movement and varying levels of humidity and light, which can be challenging for some plants.

Succulent Burro's Tail plant in a hanging pink pot by the RV window, offering a serene view of the outside landscape.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

This trendy plant requires stable conditions to thrive, including consistent, bright, indirect light and steady humidity levels.

The frequent movement, fluctuating temperatures, and variable light conditions in an RV can stress the plant, leading to leaf drop and stunted growth.

While this is one of my favorite house plants, it’s sadly not suited to RV life.

A Fiddle-leaf fig plant with large, broad green leaves, showing prominent veining, against a dark backdrop, accentuating the leaf's texture and shape.


Echeverias are popular succulents that require ample sunlight to maintain their color and compact rosette shape.

In an RV, finding a consistently sunny spot without direct, scorching light can be challenging.

Additionally, the limited airflow and potential for overwatering in an enclosed space can lead to rot.

Trust me, I’ve tried many times to keep succulents alive in our RV, and sadly, it just doesn’t ever work out, haha!

An array of succulents basks in the natural light by the RV window, adding a pop of green life to the creative workspace with a sewing machine.
Photo credit: Outdoorish RV

Peace Lily

The Peace Lily prefers stable humidity and indirect light, which can be challenging to maintain in an RV’s fluctuating environment.

Its sensitivity to temperature changes and drafts can lead to stress and decline, which is common in an RV.

Also, peace lilies have the need for consistent soil moisture without overwatering, which requires a level of attention that might be difficult to keep up with when you’re constantly on the move.

A peace lily plant with white lilies blooming

Bonsai Trees

Bonsai trees require meticulous care, including specific watering, pruning, and lighting conditions, making them less than ideal for the often unpredictable conditions of RV living.

Honestly, I’ve found these plants fairly difficult to take care of, no matter if you’re in an RV or not.

If you don’t have a green thumb, it’s probably best to avoid Bonsai altogether.

A bonsai tree with a swollen, bulbous base, holding a slender trunk and sparse foliage, presented in a white and navy striped ceramic pot.

A girl with braids and a blue shirt holding a while pot with a Pothos plant in it in her RV.

In Closing: The Best RV Plants to Grow in an RV

I hope that you’ve found this RV plant guide helpful and that you’ve got a list of plants you want to get now.

Comment below and let me know what plants you’ve added to your wish list!

Safe travels!

Much Love, Janae xoxo
Photo of author
Janae, alongside her husband, Tucker, has turned the world into her playground. Having lived and traveled in an RV for over four years, she has trekked through 22 US national parks, ventured across 28 states, and explored the natural beauty of 12 countries. Some of her favorite travel experiences have been when she witnessed Iceland's shimmering Northern Lights, explored the rugged terrains of Southern Utah, and traveled across Ireland for almost two months. A lover of adventure and couple travel, Janae's writings have been featured in notable travel websites and magazines, and she has collected an online community of over 30,000 passionate fellow travelers.

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5 of the Best RV Plants to Grow Living in an RV
5 of the Best RV Plants to Grow Living in an RV